Long Lines Broadband has adopted the FCC’s Keep America Connected Pledge. We are also working with area schools to make sure students have access to the Internet as needed for distance learning and other educational needs.

Given this uncertainty of the coronavirus (Covid-19) emergency, and the fact that the seasonal influenza (flu) virus is also widespread, we are taking proactive steps to limit the spread of illness.

    • Since we set install appointments a day or 2 out, starting tomorrow (Tuesday, March 17th), we will call you the day of your appointment. This way, if you or someone in your home is sick OR if you have concerns about our staff coming into your home, we can reschedule your appointment or make necessary accommodation to repair or install equipment. We will still be scheduling appointments; we will just plan to call to confirm the morning of those appointments.
    • If you call in to make an appointment for repair, as always, we will make every effort to correct the issue remotely. If that cannot be accomplished and you have someone who is sick in your home or you do not want a staff member to stop in, together we will find a good way to restore your service. If all in your home are healthy, and you are fine with a staff member coming to your home, then the appointment will be as they have been. For all involved, it’s important to balance the need for connectivity and everyone’s desire for good health.
    • We will ask customers if anyone at the home is under self-isolation for the COVID-19 virus or experiencing flu-like symptoms.
    • If a customer is under self-isolation for the COVID-19 virus, we will evaluate if it’s safe to postpone the work until after the customer’s isolation period ends. If the work must be completed, our front-line employees will be wearing additional personal protective equipment. This is a step we are taking out of an abundance of caution.
    • If a customer requests that our employees wear a face mask or gloves before entering their home or working on their property, our employees will comply.
    • If you have to work from home or if a student needs to take on-line classes and you don’t know if you have enough Internet bandwidth, give us a call. We can access your Internet bandwidth, and in many cases, we can increase your Internet speed (bandwidth) without coming to your home. Let us know if you need our assistance with this.

All technicians have been provided with:
    • Hand Sanitizer
    • Clorox Disinfecting Wipes Disinfecting wipes for electronic devices (Mobile Phones, Laptop computers, test meters)
    • Disposable Rubber Gloves
    • Disposable Boot Covers
    • Face masks (surgical style masks) as required

We are following CDC recommendations such as requiring employees to:
    • stay at home if they are experiencing respiratory symptoms
    • wash hands frequently with soap and water and make use of alcohol-based sanitizers
    • disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as telephones, keyboards and tools

In addition, you may notice employees such as installers, in-home repair technicians, and front lobby personnel wearing gloves and/or masks as they perform their day-to-day activities. In addition, service technicians who enter homes are also equipped with disposable boot covers. We take these protective steps for the benefit of you, our customer, and for the health and safety of our valued employees

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