SCI -- Switalski

Martin D. Switalski, Vice president Human Resources and Administration at Schurz Communications, 53, passed away April 5, 2015 in his residence surrounded by his family after a courageous battle with cancer.

Marty was born May 22, 1961 in South Bend to Melvin and Delores (Zagrzejewski) Switalski. On April 18, 2014 Marty married Anna Boiko; she survives along with his mother, Delores T. Switalski; step-children, Diana Boiko, Tricia Britton and Lance Johnson; granddaughter, Destiny Bartels; brother, Mark (Cynthia) Switalski; sister, Denise Kimsey; nieces and nephews, Sean (Elizabeth) Miller, Kelly Miller, Miles Switalski and Melissa Switalski.

Marty was employed with Schurz Communications for the last 26 years, joining the company in 1988 to form an internal audit function. He had previously been senior auditor with Clark Equipment in South Bend, He was named corporate controller at SCI in 1995 and Vice President Finance and Administration in 2003.

He was a CPA and earned a Bachelor’s Degree from Ball State University in 1983 and an Executive MBA from the University of Notre Dame in 1992.

Marty was a former Board member of the Aids Ministries.


Frank Schurz, Chairman Emeritus:

Marty Switalski joined Schurz Communications, Inc. with expert experience to assist Jim Young. His valued contributions fueled his rise in importance in the area of finance. He was the one that analyzed perspective acquisitions. He reviewed existing operations. His knowledge of benefits and benefit advisers led to his promotion to Vice President of Human Resources and Administration.

He will be missed beyond belief. Our condolences and prayers go out to his family.

Scott Schurz Sr., Chairman:

Marty Switalski was asked to do many jobs in his tenure with the Schurz Communications Corporation. He did each of them extremely well with a quite reserve that was strictly Marty. He got things done with a silent efficiency. Marty’s influence was felt all the way to the top and his advice was taken seriously to the point where it was implemented almost universally. Marty’s early passing will leave a large void in the Schurz corporate structure.

Todd Schurz, President/CEO:

It was my privilege and honor to work with Marty over the past 25 years. Marty joined our organization as an internal auditor and he fit in immediately. I think what struck everyone first was his intelligence. Marty was a very smart guy, and he could assimilate a lot of material and data in a short period of time. He was also an excellent listener, who was quiet and very thoughtful by nature. He was a high achiever with great skills, talent, temperament, and education as a double Domer. He was also remarkably creative, which is not what you expect from someone with that kind of financially oriented, disciplined mind.

Marty was promoted many times over the years into increasingly responsible positions. His last job was a corporate vice president role that was crafted around his unique skill sets and the company needs. He still did some finance work, but Marty spent the bulk of his time and energy developing and executing strategies on recruiting, developing and nurturing the human talent in the organization. He worked in the background on areas that impacted the entire organization, such as acquisitions, and that touched every employee – over 2,100 people – such as our benefits plans and wellness program. He played a part in every major decision in our corporation over the past twenty years, and I cannot overemphasize the impact and contribution he made on our company. His life’s work is very much a part of our company’s DNA.

While what he did was noteworthy, that is only a small part of it, because it was how he did it that really made a difference and exemplified what made him so special. For when you got to his core, what you saw in Marty was a genuine kindness, compassion, gentleness and a wonderful sense of humor.

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