Tim Garry

Tim Garry, 57, long-time consultant for Schurz Communications print properties, died Monday, Oct. 13 at Riverside Community Hospital in Columbus, Ohio.

Most recently Garry had been an employee of the Hagerstown, MD Herald-Mail, working on a corporate project, Garry spent most of his life in Ohio. He was born in Euclid, grew up in Willoughby and had lived in Lake County before moving to Mt. Gilead 13 years ago.

Garry was a c.p.a. and had worked at the Plain Dealer Publishing Company in Cleveland for 19 years, was president and publisher of Hirt Media, served as president of Newspaper and Printing Consultants and was the county treasurer for Morrow County in Ohio.

He is survived by Diane, his wife of 13 years and three children, Jacqueline, Meagan and Emily.

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